Wednesday, October 17, 2007

test kepribadian

Hehe iseng2 aja nih mencoba berbagai personality test online di internet.
Gara2 liat website seseorang yang "ohmigosh unbelievably narcissistic over self-confidence"
profile tentang dirinya, kepribadiannya, pekerjaannya, skill dan keahliannya. Yang mana membuat diriku jadi ternganga2 pengen muntah. Secara, gue tau sebenernya 'modal' yang dia miliki itu cuma seberapa. Well, mungkin benar adanya pepatah "tong kosong nyaring bunyinya"

Nah..inilah hasil test kepribadiankyu....mengecek jikalau ditest secara psikologis apakah gue unbelievably narcissistic over self confidence tentang apa yang gue punya dan kemampuan diri sendiri.

Pelajaran penting yang gue dapat dari ini: "Ingatlah selalu Ilmu Padi!!!!"
Semakin berat semakin merunduk

Romantic Dreamy Emotional


You are a very sensitive person. You refuse to view things only from a sober, rational standpoint. What your feelings tell you is just as important to you. In fact, you feel it is important to have dreams in life, too.

You reject people who scorn romanticism and are guided only by rationality. You refuse to let anything confine the rich variety of your moods and emotions.


Your Type is
Strength of the preferences %

Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
  • distinctively expressed extravert
  • moderately expressed sensing personality
  • very expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality

1 comment:

anissa said...

test di website mana? mao link nya donk :)