Friday, June 29, 2007


Sebagai makhluk sosial, sangat wajar kalo kita selalu saling mengabari dengan keluarga, teman, rekan kerja, klien. Ada jenis orang yang perlu untuk sms-telpon di setiap jam. Ada lagi yang malah tidak pernah ngabarin sama sekali. KECUALI, ya hal yang mendasar. Contoh: masuk rumah sakit dan gak ada yang jagain, mau kawin ini aja belum tentu ngasi tauu (hehe gue juga bakalan gitu sih, its a private stuff tokh), mau pindah negara, mau ganti nama.

Yah, sederhananya NO NEWS MEANS GOOD NEWS ???

Sedikit melenceng dari topik inti, yah buat gue dan teman2 team project agak nyambung sedikit.
Agak mendebarkan juga sedikit di kantor belakangan. Minggu depan project yg sudah berbulan2 ini akhirnya GO LIVE juga. Untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar, dari master data, infrastruktur, koneksi jaringan, kesiapan hardware (komputer,printer). Dilakukanlah yang namanya "STRESS TEST", ya itu untuk mengetes semua aspek, berapa kuat stressnya. Termasuk konsultannya hahahaha.....apakah cukup tahan stress? ditest dulu dongg....9 bln terakhir ini kurang rupanya....huh dasar client...

Naaah, Rabu 2 hari lalu diadakan sekali lagi stress test tersebut. Biasanya, email, telpon, instant message, atau bahkan user2nya langsung berdatangan melaporkan masalah gak bisa jalanin transaksi, gak bisa ngeprint, datanya gak muncul etc. BIASANYA!!!

Tentunya gue dan teman2, jadi merasa aneh...kok sampe jam sekian, belum ada masalah yang dilaporkan, yang harus dibenerin. So, gue berpikir yah no news means good news........artinya (berharap) semua sudah lancar dan bisa diatasi sendiri oleh user2 tersebut.

Balik lagi ke inti, sahabatkyu si cerleeehh (salah satu orang terantik yang gue kenal) juga penganut paham NO NEWS MEANS GOOD NEWS. Nah, sebelum dia menikah akhir tahun lalu. Dia dan Kun (skrg suaminya) berbeda benua, Kun di Jerman untuk study S3 dan Cerlih di Indonesia.

Pastinya tiap orang/pasangan punya perbedaan dalam gaya komunikasi dan hubungan. Kalo buat gue, penting banget untuk berkomunikasi setiap hari, paling tidak dalam satu hari ada lah sms atau telpon atau email atau chat. Just to let them know that you're in my thoughts gitu loh...sesibuk apapun gue.

Nah, kebutuhan Kun dan Cer (paling gak waktu itu lohh..gak tau ya skarang :D peace Cer!!! :p) untuk mendengar suara satu sama lain itu tidak sebanyak gue. Menurut Cer sih, "yah kalau sampai 2 minggu gak ada kabar apa2, artinya dia baik2 saja tokh." hualaaahhh.....kalo gue mah dah jungkir balik deh :"> hihihihi.

Then, sometimes after the wedding, Kun dah balik ke Jerman dan Cer masih di sini sambil nunggu visa-nya di approve. Cer sakit, jadi gak bisa online di YM maupun HP nya hidup (secaraaaaa...chargernya hpnya hidup segan mati tak mau hahaha). Sehingga sudah beberapa hari Kun tidak bisa menghubungi Cer, dan Cer pun terlalu sakit untuk ngasi tau kalo dirinya sakit. Alhasil si Kun dengan paniknyaYM ke gue dan menanyakan keberadaan istrinya, apakah ada di rumah gue atau dimana hihihi......

So, apakah NO NEWS MEANS GOOD NEWS? belum tentuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Expectation Reduces Happiness

I wrote this back in 2006


A good friend of mine once told me, "expectation reduces happiness".

He explained, most of the time (for not saying ALWAYS) people tend to have high expectations for everything. Whether it's situation at work, expectation that others would do or say that please us, or just about weather. When things are not the way we like them to be, we become unhappy, sad, disappointed. On the contrary, when we receive or experience good things that are not expected, we become happy, feel so lucky.

That explains the phrase "expectation reduces happiness". My friend made a good point. This mental state helps him to stay grounded and prevent disappointments over silly matters.

A simple statement, yet it is so true..........i am still trying to keep that in mind. Every time i become 'unhappy' over something that i should not waste too much of energy fretting about.

How about you guys?....


Well, its mid of year 2007 already. I still use the phrase often, to my self and to my friends. Ah, maybe it's wiser to say that it is alright to have expectations, but we ought to strive to keep our expectations GROUNDED. Another good friend of mine keep reminding myself with this phrase this past semester "manage your expectations"

In the midst of emotions, ego, feelings, confusions, sentimental atmosphere. It's easy to get carried away and lose our perspectives. And to stay grounded with our hopes and expectations. So darn difficult huh? well at least for me.

I believe that all that comes my way are learning process to complete my soul. completion process....till my dying day

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

ik houdt van u

Sudah jauh larut....matamu belum terpejam....
Pikiranmu belum tuntas terurai juga....
Tubuh renta yang bertahan dalam gelisahnya asa....

Apa yang selalu menghantui pikir dan kuatirmu?
Tenangkan hati, agar nyaman ragamu.....
Dalam sepi harimu dan sunyi hatimu.....
Maafkan saya yang tidak cukup banyak mendampingimu....
Yang membuatmu resah karena saya belum berada di rumah saat matahari telah jauh padam

u bent altijd in mijn hart en gedachten
Opa, ik houdt van u

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


kita tidak pernah tahu.....

kenapa rasa itu datang...
kenapa rasa itu pergi....
kenapa rasa itu tidak datang jua....
kenapa rasa itu tidak pergi saja....

kapan rasa itu datang...
kapan rasa itu pergi...

apa karena kita tidak mengijinkannya datang...
karena kita takut....
takut kalau dia pergi...
takut kalau tidak mampu mengendalikannya...
takut kalau harus kehilangannya...

dan kita tidak mengijinkannya pergi...
setelah rasa itu memenuhi hari-hari ...
memenuhi seluruh kepala dan logika....
menguasai seluruh hati...
membutakan seluruh jiwa....

perlukah alasan?
perlukah penjelasan?
perlukah pembenaran?
perlukah pembelaan?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hell Yeah!!!!!!!

Last year i bought Wimar Witoelar's biography 'Hell Yeah' written by Fira Basuki.
I am not really a person who read biographies, yet Hell Yeah seems very light and interesting.
Thus, i bought, read and very inspired by WW's life.

I tried my luck and emailed him, to my surprise he replied. To make the long story short, i was just an observer of his perspektif, and media activities.

One day 2 weeks ago, i dropped a hello message in his YM.
And the highlight was our first meeting yesterday evening.

4 hours of total blast of fun, and laughter and sharing.........
Truly a memorable moments.........
It's been a while since i laugh out loud....
Truly honored to know WW personally....


I do believe we will continue to be good friends :D


Friday, June 15, 2007


Sumpeeeeeeee dingin buanget nih kantor.
Ntah kenapa 3 hari ini, ac centralnya menghembuskan badai angin yang super super dingin....
sampe beku jari....
sampe nyut nyut kepala
sampe kebelet pipis terus
sampe pengen makan terus
hueaaaah..............gimana sih...

beku deh otak gue

Monday, June 11, 2007

my favourite rice porridge

Bubur ini adalah favorit gue. Lokasinya sih jangan ditanya ya, kalo emang gak biasa ngemper...well, siap2 surprise. Letak warungnya persis di samping ex bioskop Nusantara di Jatinegara, depan GPIB Koinonia.

Paling nikmat, makan bubur ayam dengan paru plus sambal kacang dan extra krupuk plus emping. Total yang harus dibayar paling 15.000, kecuali jeroannya nambah ya :D

Morning Bliss

berniat untuk memperbaiki gaya hidup dan meningkatkan kesehatan, so skarang gue tiap hari(Berusahaaaa) jalan pagi di Taman Suropati, kalau jalan kaki sih skitar 10 menit dari rumah gue. berhubung tentunya males donggg....ya 3 menit nyetir lah dari rumah. Nah here goes some the bliss in the morning that i get......i am lucky to be able to enjoy this bliss near by.

More bliss

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

4 in the morning

Gwen Stefani ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waking up to find another day

The moon got lost again last night
But now the sun has finally had its say
I guess I feel alright

But it hurts when I think
When I let it sink in
It's all over me
I'm lying here in the dark
I'm watching you sleep, it hurts a lot
& all I know is
You've got to give me everything
Nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me

I give you everything that I am
I'm handin' in everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right

All I wanted was to know I'm safe
Don't want to lose the love I've found
Remember when you said that you would change
Don't let me down
It's not fair how you are
I can't be complete, can you give me more?
& all I know is
You got to give me everything
& nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me

I give you everything that I am
I'm handin' in everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right

Oh please, you know what I need
Save all your love up for me
We can't escape the love
Give me everything that you have

& all I know is
You got to give me everything
& nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me

I give you everything that I am
I'm handin' in everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right

(Give you everything)
(Give you all of me)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

95 - 60

Normal Blood Pressure rate according to medical world is :

120 - 80

I got mine checked today and voila.......

Systolic : 95
Diastolic : 65

huwaaaaaaaaah...kacau....and this is rather a good typical day for me.

Hari ini aku bertekad untuk :

Jalan Pagi setiap hari (mungkin kecuali hari Sabtu dan Minggu kali yeeeeeee heheheh) di Taman Suropati or Taman Menteng.

Dengan target:

1. improve my blood pressure rate
2. lebih sehat tentunya
3. menurunkan beberapa kilogram lagi dari badan ini

Doakaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn......................... :D

Friday, June 01, 2007

no longer

I've learned from childhood that friends may come and go.
Those who still stay throughout the journey are truly precious.

as for you...who once called yourself sister...

thank you for showing me your true heart
i am blessed that you are no longer a friend of mine

always on your side

a verse from "always on your side" by Sheryl Crow and Sting

my new favorite tune

Well they say that love is in the air, never is it clear
How to pull it close and make it stay
Butterflies are free to fly, why do they fly away
Leavin’ me to carry on and wonder why
Was it you that kept me wandering through this life
When you know that I was always on your side

last few days, i feel flat for most of the time during the day.
Biasanya, for those who know me well, aku sering terseret yang namanya mood swings.
Apakah hormon (let's blame it on the hormones huh :D) di tubuhku ini lagi liburan ntah kemana. Sehingga aku pun juga libur dari riak2 perasaan yang mengisi hari2ku berbulan2 ini.

Manis,pahit,senang,sedih,kesal,biasa,gembira,kecewa, tidakperduli,perduli,sayang,benci,rindu,kangen,marah.

Semua rasa yang membuatku tersenyum, yang membuat airmataku mengalir,
yang membuat hatiku perih, yang membuatku bersyukur karena Tuhan memberiku
kesempatan untuk merasa, yang membuat dadaku terasa sesak, yang membuatku merasa lega, yang membuatku merasa aku dicintai, yang menyadarkanku betapa aku mencinta.

Last night, just before i dozed off to sleep, that little feeling which was filling my days before emerged.

Was it you that kept me wandering through this life?
When you know that I was always on your side

Ah well, this is weekend....i am going to enjoy it......
Happy Weekend everyone........