Saturday, January 03, 2009

Manual or Automatic?

Well, last night i was in my colleague's farewell dinner. She's leaving the company, so as usual as part of society (jujurnya sih males hihih...., but she was nice and we're quite close), i joined the dinner at Vienna Buffet Restaurant at United Square Mall.

Anyway, i met most of my colleagues who were scattered across project all over Singapore. While i was chatting with 3 male colleagues, two Indians and 1 Indonesian. One of my Indian colleague was just having his second child baby girl, thus we were discussing about the baby, labor, etc. And, my young Indonesian colleague asked me "Are you going to have MANUAL labor?"
I was like :O , "what do you mean MANUAL?"

pic courtesy of

I told my young colleagues in Indonesian "maksud loe? normal gituuh?" He anwered "iya, well kalo di indo k
an, lahir alami (vaginal delivery he meant) sebutnya manual kan?" hahaahhahahaha and next my Indian colleagues and me was laughing hard.......Well, that was a good one!!! Oh young man, it's called NORMAL, not MANUAL delivery. Well, in case you've heard there's an AUTOMATIC delivery, let me know before my baby due in few weeks huuuh?" hahahahaahah

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