Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
rolade daging brokoli lada hitam
Sudah lama gak masak, tadi pagi gue masak rolade daging brokoli lada hitam.
Yah lumayan lah rasanya :) moga2 si engkong gak kepedesan.
1. Rolade Daging ( gue bli yang dah frozen hehehe, males)
2. Brokoli secukupnya
3. Bawang Putih 3 siung
4. Bawang Bombai
5. Cabe Merah
6. Saus Lada Hitam (gue juga beli yang botolan hehe)
7. Air
8. Garam, gula
9. Sagu untuk pengental
10. Minyak goreng
Cara memasak:
1. Goreng rolade daging, angkat dan tiriskan
2. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombai sampai harum
3. Masukan Saus Lada Hitam dan air secukupnya
4. Masukan rolade daging yang sudah digoreng
5. Tunggu sampai agak mendidih, masukan brokoli
6. Masukan cabe merah
7. Masukan sagu untuk pengental
8. Angkat dan sajikan
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
like attracts like
We are all Architects of our own future!
The thoughts that we have today dictate what our future holds for us tomorrow.
Therefore a person who has positive thoughts shall have positive results
Just as a person who has negative thoughts shall attract negative results in their life.
Lately i have encountered topic about "Law of Attraction" from TV talk shows, articles in newspaper.
Well, i suppose everybody understands about this interesting popular topic now.
I am not going to blablabla further about what it's all about.
Anyway, i got the above quote from my daily devotional subscription.
Simple straight forward concept, to conclude all the talks and debates.
I notice my surroundings, family, friends, colleague and myself. I sometime nags about what I DON"T
have, why things AREN'T according to my wishes, why others treated me like this and that.
Those who form their opinion about situation whether a job, or people before they got enough information/perspective. Well, when i am in that state, i am not happy.
I am in constant learning to appreciate what God has given me. When i tend to nag, i remember my blessings.
Good or bad, comfortable or discomfort things in my life are being granted to teach me something. So, that i may grow and mature. As Paulo Coelho wrote in his "Warrior of The Light" Manual as follow:
A warrior of light knows that certain moments repeat themselves.
He often finds himself faced by the same problems and situations, and seeing these difficult situations return,
he grows depressed, thinking that he is incapable of making any progress in life.
‘I've been through all this before,’ he says to his heart. ‘Yes, you have been through all this before,’ replies his heart.
‘But you have never been beyond it.’
Then the warrior realizes that these repeated experiences have but one aim: to teach him what he does not want to learn.
Thus, to live my journey passionately, easier, happier. I am striving for living positively, feeling positively, so i shall attract positive results , and harmoniously with the universe.
Tough duty....yet, i want to be i must attract happiness with being happy.
We are all Architects of our own future!
The thoughts that we have today dictate what our future holds for us tomorrow.
Therefore a person who has positive thoughts shall have positive results
Just as a person who has negative thoughts shall attract negative results in their life.
Lately i have encountered topic about "Law of Attraction" from TV talk shows, articles in newspaper.
Well, i suppose everybody understands about this interesting popular topic now.
I am not going to blablabla further about what it's all about.
Anyway, i got the above quote from my daily devotional subscription.
Simple straight forward concept, to conclude all the talks and debates.
I notice my surroundings, family, friends, colleague and myself. I sometime nags about what I DON"T
have, why things AREN'T according to my wishes, why others treated me like this and that.
Those who form their opinion about situation whether a job, or people before they got enough information/perspective. Well, when i am in that state, i am not happy.
I am in constant learning to appreciate what God has given me. When i tend to nag, i remember my blessings.
Good or bad, comfortable or discomfort things in my life are being granted to teach me something. So, that i may grow and mature. As Paulo Coelho wrote in his "Warrior of The Light" Manual as follow:
A warrior of light knows that certain moments repeat themselves.
He often finds himself faced by the same problems and situations, and seeing these difficult situations return,
he grows depressed, thinking that he is incapable of making any progress in life.
‘I've been through all this before,’ he says to his heart. ‘Yes, you have been through all this before,’ replies his heart.
‘But you have never been beyond it.’
Then the warrior realizes that these repeated experiences have but one aim: to teach him what he does not want to learn.
Thus, to live my journey passionately, easier, happier. I am striving for living positively, feeling positively, so i shall attract positive results , and harmoniously with the universe.
Tough duty....yet, i want to be i must attract happiness with being happy.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Balado Terong Balado
Terong atau bahasa kerennya 'eggplant'

Sayur yang sering kita jumpai di pasar dan restoran padang.
Gue ingat sewaktu kecil dulu, omaku tercinta sering memasak terong.
Sederhana saja sih, digoreng tepung atau dibalado.
Dan gue tidak pernah terlalu perduli......yah bahkan cenderung tidak dimakan karena tampilan yang kurang menarik.
Terong itu sangat menyerap minyak, jadi kalau cuma digoreng aja uuhh not pretty
to look at deh. Jadi bukan pilihan lauk teman makan nasi favorit.
Nah beberapa bulan yang lalu, terhidanglah terong balado di meja makan.
Lupa deh siapa yang masak, mungkin kerjaan nyokap gue lah.
Reaksi gue ya biasa aja, oh terong. Okei...terus makanlah gue dengan nasi.
Wualaaahhhhhhhhhhhh kok Enuaaakkkk sekali banget dehhhh.....
Asli, nikmaatt banget dimakan dengan nasi panas mengepul.Cukup deh terong
balado aja. Gak perlu lauk lainnya, well krupuk boleh juga. Yah secara
gue juga krupuk freak ya.......salah satu penemuan manusia terhebat menurutku.
Oh ya, ditambah tahu berontak goreng bikinan asistenku si Nur...sungguh
merupakan menu sederhana nikmat luar biasa, dijamin nambah lagi dan lagi
dan lagi.....
Dan sejak saat itu, terong balado merupakan sajian tetap di meja makan di rumah.
Bukan hanya gue, opa n adik gue pun menggemari si buah/sayur ungu panjang itu.
Si Nur, pernah satu hari berkomentar..."Mbak...aku dah bosen masaknya niiihhh" :))
Karena, kalo hari ini gue yang minta terong balado bisa jadi lusa, si engkong
yang minta dimasakin terong balado....haahaha...maaap ya Nur, emang kita doyan siihhhh....

Sayur yang sering kita jumpai di pasar dan restoran padang.
Gue ingat sewaktu kecil dulu, omaku tercinta sering memasak terong.
Sederhana saja sih, digoreng tepung atau dibalado.
Dan gue tidak pernah terlalu perduli......yah bahkan cenderung tidak dimakan karena tampilan yang kurang menarik.
Terong itu sangat menyerap minyak, jadi kalau cuma digoreng aja uuhh not pretty
to look at deh. Jadi bukan pilihan lauk teman makan nasi favorit.
Nah beberapa bulan yang lalu, terhidanglah terong balado di meja makan.
Lupa deh siapa yang masak, mungkin kerjaan nyokap gue lah.
Reaksi gue ya biasa aja, oh terong. Okei...terus makanlah gue dengan nasi.
Wualaaahhhhhhhhhhhh kok Enuaaakkkk sekali banget dehhhh.....
Asli, nikmaatt banget dimakan dengan nasi panas mengepul.Cukup deh terong
balado aja. Gak perlu lauk lainnya, well krupuk boleh juga. Yah secara
gue juga krupuk freak ya.......salah satu penemuan manusia terhebat menurutku.
Oh ya, ditambah tahu berontak goreng bikinan asistenku si Nur...sungguh
merupakan menu sederhana nikmat luar biasa, dijamin nambah lagi dan lagi
dan lagi.....
Dan sejak saat itu, terong balado merupakan sajian tetap di meja makan di rumah.
Bukan hanya gue, opa n adik gue pun menggemari si buah/sayur ungu panjang itu.
Si Nur, pernah satu hari berkomentar..."Mbak...aku dah bosen masaknya niiihhh" :))
Karena, kalo hari ini gue yang minta terong balado bisa jadi lusa, si engkong
yang minta dimasakin terong balado....haahaha...maaap ya Nur, emang kita doyan siihhhh....
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