Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday away from home

This year my birthday was spent in a new 'home' , surrounded by some of my closest crowd here in singapore. My work is rather hectic that week, and didn't got a chance to plan on something special. My thoughts were also occupied back home, worry for my Grandpa's condition after he fracture his hips when he fell the week before

Anyway, those crazy closest crowd (Grace and Axel, Yenny, Hardi, minus Ijaaahh) come over to our flat for dinner. I ordered Pizza Hut for dinner, since i didn't have time for cooking.

Yenny and Hardi brought the cake.

We all went crazy with the pizza, and do the rituals, singing, blowing the candle and cut the cake
Grace and Axel gave me "Brida" by Coelho.

Well, it was really nice and fun indeed. Thanks guys....what would i do without you all!!!

Added 30 July 08 coz yenny protested: OK, there's a funny story regarding the pizza man.
I ordered Pizza Hut at 7pm, before the crowds came over about 7.30. The pizzaman arrived at 7.50 something and he forgot one item. So, he told us, he'll be back in minutes to deliver the one item left (chicken wing gitu). OK, while we're waiting for the chicken wing, well the pizza and etc were nearly gone. And we were still errr....want some more. So, we ordered another pizza and garlic bread and some more wings. It took about 45 minutes from call to delivery.Meanwhile, the same pizzaman came back with the first order left out chicken wing.

And....when our second order came, it's the same pizzaman again who deliver and we were laughing out loud.....oh dear, poor guy. He's to come back 3 times that night, during 2 hours course :))

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Pulang Kampung

Hehehhe malas mode strikes, baru ngupload poto2 (klik DISINI) pas pulang Jakarta, sebulan yang lalu. Wah wah senang banget pulang, bener2 homeeeyyy banget, and all those good food. Gue tiba di CGK 20 Juni malam, dan langsung ke Bogor, rumah bonyok. Besoknya, wisata kuliner di Surya kencana, makan Ngohyang, Lumpia basah dan COMBRO tentunyaaaahh. Beli berbagai makanan/snack buat dibawa balik ke singapur,mampir ke rumah Jessica dan beli martabak manis keju coklat, nyam nyamm...gak ada yang kayak gini di singapur, disini isnya kaya, kacang, red bean...gak nendang bener deh!!! Sabtu malam, balik ke Jakarta dan sempetin makan bubur ayam Nusantara di Kampung Melayu....alamaak enaknyaaahhh. Sunday, ke Chenny Han dulu untuk inspect poto kawinan, hehehe basi yaaa , dah gitu jalan2 ke Mal Ambasador tentunya, beli2 barang2 deh, yang mana murah jauh dibanding disini hiakss....oh paradise.
Malem, ketemuan ma Diki di Plaza Indo, hihi dijemput loh gue..pake boil gres baru hihih, cuma markirnya lama ya, musti maju mundur berkali2 hihihi.

Senin 23 Juni, flight gue jam 5 sore. So masih ada waktu seharian untuk bercengkerama, Makan bakmi Pak De depan rumah dulu sama Yennoy, terus ke tuker duit, jemput a very pregnant Elke dan ke Bank. Sama Elke lanjut ke Plaza Indonesia again (yah gimana, wong paling deket sama rumah hiahia) ketemuan sama Nitsky....hiks, mungkin terakhir ketemu tahun ini, secara Agustus 2008 dia brangkat ke UK. Ngupi2, cerita2 dan lunch bareng...senang banget. Gue dan Elke balik ke rumah, dan siap2 musti ke airport, kangen2an dulu terakhir sama Happy dan siap brangkat ke Changi dianter bonyok. Dan bawaan gue penuh dengan makanan mentah, stok bumbu, makanan kering dan kue coklat, risol dan kroket hahahaa.....pol dah.

Sampe CGK jam 3.30an, ehhhh....tiba2 errr...not so good need di check in, voila delay 5.5 jam, jam 22.30 (Konon) baru take off....oh tidaaak......kacau!!! menyebalkan...dah nangkring di Oh lala, bosen, akhirnya ke Airport Hotel, duduk di lounge aja sambil pesen2 minum dan snack...jam 9 lewat baru gue masuk lagi daaaaaannnn....tetep loh, jam 23.30 aja deh tuh baru bener2 take off. Hiakss....kesian Kriwil, dia jalan jam 11 demi ngejer mrt buat jemput gue, padahl gue tiba di Changi kira2 jam 2.00 waktu singapur. Yah...jam 3 aja deh baru sampe rumah dan lansung tidur. Jam 9an kan dah ngantor lagi lah yaaauuu...

Overall, seneng banget pulang....really nothing beats home!!!!