Monday, March 17, 2008

you drink too much coffee huh?

For new acquaintance who spend a day with me can figure out that coffee is my staple :)
For those new acquaintance who has not know me/talk to me long enough, will not know for exact from which specific ethnic group i came from :p

Today, another week just started, i have a baby sit job the whole week for one of my project's User Acceptance Test. So, my colleagues and users from Mala
ysia are here and we chat bla bla bla...and since there were 5 malaysians in the room and 2 (thought) sporeans (actually none of us are singaporean!! hahaha, one is Myanmar, and me of course the indonesian). They were talking in 'malay' mixed with chinese, where both the myanmar and myself did not understand. Well definitely, i can understand Malay laaaaaahhh!!! So, one time i said that (honestly) i don't remember the trigger :"> :P

Malaysian: " can understand Malay?"
Indonesian: "Of course laaah....Malay and Bahasa are similar"

Malaysian: "Oh, really?? Are you Malay?"
Indonesian: "No, I'm Chinese"
Malaysian: (Awe facial expressions in shock) " Oh really????" (She came closer towards me)

Malaysian: " drink to much coffee huh ?"
Indonesian: (Laughing out loud) "that's a good one!!!"
Malaysian: "Or do you get much too much sun tan?"

(complexion caused by sun tan? or too much coffee? judge!! hehehe )

Indonesian: "hahahaha.....i had this complexion from my dad"
Malaysian: "Don't you want to have change it?"
Indonesian: "Well, i dont have anything to complain looohhh"
Malaysian: "hahaha okei, i'll speak Malay with you after lunch"

Well...that conversation makes my day...!!! what a good laugh

1 comment:

yenny said...

hoh.. so coffee can make you darker.. hmm.... i should reduce drinking coffee than..