Tuesday, July 31, 2007

the art of resource management

for the hundred times....

my company management screwed up again for resources allocation.
Well..it's a good thing that we got so many projects right now. Yet, we don't have enough resources to run the project.

While, clients since they pay, expect the number of people whose been promised to be on their projects.

While, not enough resources. The management is playing 'magic'.


1. Current Status: I am still responsible for 'X' project until end of August 2007
2. For the sake of starting a new won project, lets call it project 'Y', i was presented during Kick Off Meeting as the consultant.
3. For the sake of 'presence' for project 'Y', i was conducting Key User Training for 2 days, while to client X were told that i am doing internal work at office.
4. While at Client 'Y', they are already expecting me to be here from today onwards
5. Client 'X' also thought that i would be there until end of August 2007 of course.
6. Another complication, at Client 'X' my colleague 'A' who was doing the coordination was pulled to another project, call this project 'Z'
7. For the sake of presence replacement of colleague 'A'. Another of my colleague 'B' who is suppose to be at Client 'Y' as coordinator but fell sick and then canceled to be coordinator at client 'Y'. Assigned to replace colleague 'A' at client 'X'. Yet..after 1 day, he felt sick again...for 10 days...ooh get well soon dear.
8. Thus, Client 'X' who now thought colleague 'B' will be coordinating, shout out loud.
9. To shut Client 'X', colleague 'C' whose planned also to be at Client 'Y' was presented as coordinator at client 'X'
10. Now, Client 'Y' thought i and my colleague 'C' will be there to run the project
11. While, Client 'X' will definitely protest if colleague 'C' pulled out
12. Luckily colleague 'B' is recovering and will be there tomorrow at Client 'X' to do the coordinating job
13. How to break the news to client 'X'?
14. How to break the news to client 'Y' another face will show up instead of me tomorrow?

Au ah Gelap.....while the boss is not there everyday to face the client...
so, its me and colleague 'A' and 'B' and 'C' who become the BEMPER...

emang enak jadi bemper!!!!!!!!huwah

the art of resource managemnet or play chess?


Sunday, July 22, 2007


a new decade
a new chapter of my life

Dear Lord,

bless me with Your Love and Grace
may i be Your reflection
may i be Your extended hand to those who are in need

let me be stronger
let me be more loving
let me be wiser

for i am nothing without You


Thursday, July 19, 2007

cinta dan ego

seorang sahabat berkata padaku:

Cinta dan Ego bagaikan 2 sisi mata uang, Yin dan Yang.
Tidak bersifat positif maupun negatif. Kesatuan 2 sisi yang bersifat netral.

Hakikat mendasar manusia adalah untuk MENcintai.
Dan ego dasar kita adalah untuk DIcintai.
Cinta dan Ego 2 kutub yang berlawanan. 2 Hal yang harus ada dalam setiap hubungan
Dan bagaikan 2 sisi mata uang berbeda kutub,namun saling mengikat.
Dan bila kita tidak hati-hati, bisa mengacaukan dan membingungkan hubungan.

Ketakutan, kekhawatiran kita adalah bagian dari ego, yang melemahkan
Cinta Yang Menguatkan

AntiEGO adalah CINTA
AntiCINTA adalah EGO


TO LOVE.......in the purest form

i love you

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

home is where the heart is

no matter where we are

home is where the heart is...

it need not be a house

cause a house is not a home when you're heart is not there

so true...it's just undeniable

a home is where we can be ourselves and at ease

a home is where we turn for refuge

where is my home?

Monday, July 09, 2007

personal dentist

One of my dearest and closest friend is also my personal dentist.
Anita and I went back a long way of our friendship since junior high.
2.5 weeks ago, my tooth was partially broken. And it was not comfortable since only half of my tooth was still there. I met her for brunch 2 days after the tooth tragedy, and of course i told her about it.

Both of us were super hectic with work these past months. So, it was a bit difficult to find time that agrees with her schedule and mine to fix my tooth. Last week she text and propose appointment for today.

I was so touched that she went all the way to one of her clinic where she practice so i can have this tooth fixed. While today is not her schedule at all, she's suppose to be at Cibitung for her regular schedule.

Thanks a lot dear.....uuh what will i do without you?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

At Last


4th of July 2007 - 11 AM
DKSH TUNGGAL declared that their SAP system is LIVE

After 3 months of delay due to many political aspects.
After long hours and overnights at work

After marathon discussions and debates
After so many change requests
After thousands of rows and columns
After sleepless nights



Tuesday, July 03, 2007


its 00:38 AM

and still no signs....we can go home and rest

can somebody stop the project??
only for tonight