Saturday, December 29, 2007

Reunion Lunch at Modestos

Sabtu siang 29 Dec 07, setelah beberapa lama (2 thn kayanya) gak ketemuan. Bisa ketemu lagi sama Sandra (yg lagi liburan tahun baru ke sini) dan Witner + family (Sylvi and little Wilt). Kriwil dan gue jemput si Sandra di Atria, jalan kaki sampai Tanglin. Gak lama Witner n the gang nyampe, terus kita makan siang italian style di Modestos, enak and buanyak. Seru juga ngobrol dan nostagila jaman dulu, godain si Wilt, godain si Sandra. Paling seneng kalau ada si Sandra, gue dan Witner bisa dengan puas mengexplorasi kemampuan isengin nona satu itu hahahaha.....
Eh, tiba2 hujan lebat banget, padahal pas berangkat, panas terik rik rik......, setelah reda ya kita kembali ke pusat gravitasi orang indonesia di Singapore, aka. Orchard hahahaaha.............Non Sandra mau lanjut belanja, well kita juga sih...hihih...Anyway, it was very very nice afternoon guys......See you soon again....

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


It's Christmas again....

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

May the peace of Jesus Christ be within our hearts and souls.

This is my first Christmas away from home.......definitely different, didn't have the classic Christmas Eve dinner i used to have after church. No macaroni schotel, no cream soup, no bistik, no salad.....Well, those things are available here, but of course not my grandma's,mom's and auntie's cooking. We gotta go through what we gotta go through right?

I worked half day on the 24th, had long overdue appointment lunch with Eva near office. Then we went to Orchard to check out the SALE hehehe...

Kriwil and I went to Orchard Presbyterian Church or GPO (Gereja Prebysterian Orchard) at Orchard Road, for Christmas Eve 6PM service. At least we were among people from Indonesia. And praying and wishing warmest thoughts of Christmas for family and friends back home.

On Christmas Day, we returned to GPO for Christmas Day, Church provided meals after service and we met friends who also celebrate Christmas away from family this year.

Someday I'll be home for Christmas again.....

Happy Holidays

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Emang sih baru 3 minggu lebih dikit disini.....karena satu dan banyak hal lain yang harus diurus di jakarta, maka pulang kampung deh pas liburan lebaran haji disini. Kebetulan, tgl merahnya hari Kamis, so dengan menekan rasa malu dan gak tahu diri sebagai pegawai baru, ya memohon dikasi cuti 1 hari (di hari jumat kejepit itu) supaya bisa ada di jakarta dari Kamis - Minggu. Sedihnya karena masih ada sisa malu dan tahu diri sedikit, jadi harus balik ke sini tgl 23, just before christmas, karena tgl 24 Desember bukan tanggal merah......hikkkssss :(( (Indonesia emang paling top deh urusan tanggal merah dan liburan yang dipanjang-panjangin)

Senang banget di rumah, ketemu bantalku, gulingkuuuu.....juga suasana rumah, dan anggota keluarga dan Nur dan tentunya si Happy dan Cantik. Huuuh, masak mereka dah lupa,tidak menyambutku dengan gembira ria...dicuekin aja gitu lohhh....sediiihh :(( baru juga 3 minggu gak ketemu...whoaaa...

Sakaw makan risoles terobati...emang risoles itu tiada duanya bagiku haihaihaaaaa, dan terong belado+tahu brontak si Nur, nyam nyam nyam......

Jadwal yg harus dilakukan/didatangin sih emang padat banget, tapi it's really different deh pulang ke rumah sendiri walau capek dan habis menerjang hujan dan macet tentunyaaaa

Hanya 3 hari di Jakarta.......we'll be back in few more weeks........uughh can't wait

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007


Doooh...its been a while since i post something here...

So many things happened the past month and i haven't got the chance to record those here. life has transformed so fast...and its good....:) more later............


Monday, December 03, 2007

a new pool

Well, today is my first day at new office. It's been a while since i had this 'feeling' entering new environment, meeting new faces and new workspace (baca: kelamaan stay di kantor lama? hahaha)

The biggest difference is that i don't have to deal with traffic here. But, also there's consequences. Lots of WALK and WALK and WALK!!!!!!!!! which i think is good for losing some pounds off my body.

The new office troops are quite medium (well if to compare with the last one), around 40 people listed in the payroll. I haven't met all of them, since many are deployed to projects at clients' sites. So far i think they are nice and friendly, including the big bosses. I was surprised to know that the one who took care (prepare, installed) my notebook is one of the stakeholder.....hmmmm...interesting huh :)

Anyway, this place gonna be one of my stops throughout the journey of life.
Gonna enjoy and make the best of it.
